Have you played
What’s It To Ya?

It's been played in family rooms, coffee shops, Sunday school classes and business meetings.  

People have enjoyed the laughs, conversation and thought-provoking game play everywhere from Canada to Australia to Korea.  

So if you haven't yet tried this portable party
in the suitcase box,
with a retail price of only $15,
what in the world are you waiting for?

Here's a document with tips for how to use What's It To Ya? in the classroom:  
What's It To Ya? in the Classroom

Check out the latest video in the What's It To Ya? Video Project.  This time we headed to the Flint campus of the University of Michigan.

And here are the other two:

Here's what we're hearing from the people who have played:

"[It's] quickly becoming a family favorite."
- Stephen Glenn, designer of the games Balloon Cup and You Must Be an Idiot!

"I never fail to have fun with this game. Although it feels lighthearted, it's actually very deep and introspective."
- Kory Heath, designer of the games Zendo and Why Did the Chicken...?

"Try playing it with your kids! It provides great insight into their developing value systems."

"Excellent party game, but also great as a conversation starter."

The reviewers have this to say: 

"With its wide range of topics this simple but addictive game will appeal to lots of folks.
- John McCallion, Games Magazine

"What really makes the game great is the text on the item cards.. Fun arguments happen when teams discuss why certain things are more important than others."
- Erik A. Dewey Knucklebones

"What's It To Ya? makes a great party game because it's compact, easily taught, and a lot of fun."
- Lynn Little, BellaOnline

Give it a try.  You'll see why we call it
the funny,
          original party game
that anyone can enjoy!

It gets everyone talking and laughing about one BIG question: 

What Matters Most?
Things like “Peace” or “Friends”? 
How about “Fingers”?
Speak your mind and find out what your friends think!
  • It’s fun and thought-provoking.
  • Use it as an icebreaker for total strangers or team up with good friends for laughs and competition.
  • It’s easy to learn—you can start playing in under two minutes.
  • Make each game last as long or short as you like. 

To order the game online, visit Amazon.com or Fair Play Games.

What's It To Ya? is also available from the Game Daze chain of game stores in Arizona, Madhatter Games in Missouri and Games by James located in the Mall of America.

Also, any local game store in the U.S. can get What's It To Ya? through Alliance Distributors.  If your store of choice doesn't carry it, ask them if they can order it!

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