Fair Play's "Play by Play"
"Lost Cities"


Who Won?
When the hand ends, both players determine their scores based on the progress they made in each expedition. While the scoring rules below may seem a little daunting at first, they're easily understood after one hand. It really brings the game alive, as players must risk starting expeditions that he's not sure he can complete!

First, add up the numbers in each color. In this example, you can see the total for the blue cards is 36.

But each expedition a player started "costs" him 20 points! This reduces the score for blue to 16 (36-20=16). Looking at the white row of cards, you can see this negative 20 points for each expedition can actually leave a player with negative points! The white row is worth -5.

Now for those handshakes. The handshake, or investment, raises the stakes. One handshake multiplies the base score by "2". Two multiplies it by "3" and three multiplies by "4". That's potentially a huge bonus! In case you're wondering, you do multiply those negative scores too.

Taking all this into consideration, this player scores a total of 32 points for blue and -5 points for white making a total of only 27 points. Any other expeditions this player may have started would also be considered in his score.

After an agreed upon number of hands, the player with the highest score wins!

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