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*** Important Information ***> 
*This version does NOT include the promotional Z-deck that was offered to limited quantities upon initial release.
Agricola component error: it says you should receive 33 clay discs in the rules, however, that is wrong - you should only get 27.

From the Publisher...
Important note from Publisher - Agricola component error: it says you should receive 33 clay discs in the rules, however, that is wrong - you should only get 27.
In Agricola (Latin for "farmer"), you're a farmer in a wooden shack with your spouse and little else. On a turn, you get to take only two actions, one for you and one for the spouse, from all the possibilities you'll find on a farm: collecting clay, wood or stone; building fences; and so on. You might think about having kids in order to get more work accomplished, but first you need to expand your house. And what are you going to feed all the little rugrats?
Agricola is a turn-based game. There are 14 game turns plus 6 harvest phases (after turn 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14). Each player starts with two playing tokens (farmer and wife) and thus can take two actions per turn. There are multiple options, and while the game progresses, you'll have more and more: first thing in a turn, a new action card is flipped over. Problem: Each action can be taken just once per turn, so it's important to do some things with high preference. Each player also starts with a hand of 7 Occupation cards (of more than 160 total) and 7 Minor Improvement cards (of more than 140 total) that he may use during the game if they fit in his/her strategy. This amounts to countless strategies, some depending on your card hand. Sometimes it's a good choice to stay on course, sometimes you better react on what your opponents do.
Agricola can also be played without cards (family game) and can even be played solo.
Contents: 360 cards, over 300 wooden components, 50+ tiles, 9 boards, tokens, scoring pad.
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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Weird -
I must say that this game does not like that interesting from the discription. Who wants to be a farmer in a game? The instructions are not that heavy, but it's a little long and you can mess up a few rules. We had a few errors that ruined the first play. I would hop over to Boardgamegeek and get "Common Mistakes While Playing Agricola - A Summary", here is the link:
This should clear up most little problems. The rules are not hard, once you play the game, the learning curve is not that steep.
That said, after playing several times, our group of three is hooked! I have not had the chance to play with 4 or 5 people yet, but I can't wait to.
The game comes with three card sets: E Deck is the basic deck, I Deck is the interactive deck, and the K Deck is the complex deck. We have only used thebasic deck, but you can mix and match as you see fit. I don't like the random factor with the cards, we deal double the amount to each player (you start with 7 occupation cards and 7 improvment cards.) and let them pick and dicard half, this helps abit from getting a bad deal.
Don't let the theme turn you off, this is a solid game and I would place it with Catan for games that will hook people. |
Troy -
One of my top two games. This is not one for people who overanalyze everything, because there is A LOT going on. It has an amazing mix of turn by turn, move by move tactics, mixed with measured and long term strategy. Simply incredible. The best part really is the replayablilty. The sheer number of cards means you will really never have two games the same even though you attempt to do the same thing. Sublime. Additionally, I think this is one of the best solo games available. Scales flawlessly from 2-5 players as well. One item of note, I highly suggest buying the full meeple set if you can afford it. It makes the game visually more appealing and easier for new players. |
Sam Peavy -
Agricola is the ultimate worker placement game. Each turn you have to decide what you want your "family" to do, with every move made by you and the others affecting the outcome of the game. Make sure you get enough wood!!! |
I think this game is amazing! I could play it for hours. (It literally takes several hours per person, especially when you have a whole bunch of noobs) It always seems like you never have enough time to do everything that you want to do. |
Mr Waiguoren
I love this game. The farming theme may seem strange at first, but all of my friends have enjoyed playing it. Even people who haven't played any games in the past were able to get into it, despite its supposed complexity. The gameplay is very intuitive as you build up your farm. |
Amanda Loudermilk
Love it! If you like settlers of catan you will love this. You are still using resources to build but instead of rolling dice you have player turns to get your "commidities". The only con we have noticed is that unless it's your turn you are not really doing anything. Which I do not mind. |
Bryan O'Connell
Currently #1 on, this game has unbelievable replayability and a lot of depth. Seasoned gamers will love it, and new gamers shouldn't be too overwhelmed if they're familiar with worker placement games. Supports 1-5 players and can be finished in 2 hours. You can even customize the game with animeeples and stuff like that. Enjoy! |
Paula Baker
Agricola is a fun farm-building game. In the simplified family game, you construct your own farm house, plough fields and plant wheat or vegetables, and raise sheep, cows and wild boars. You can even keep a pet! In the more complicated versions of the game, you can have jobs (occupations) and add more improvements to your farm. This game is very versatile. You can simplify it, or add more levels of complexity with the different decks of cards. It includes cards for easy games, interactive games, and complex games. You can also play this game alone, with only one person! |
Farming? Really? - Yes - really fun! You aren't just farming you are growing your family and developing your farm. The number of cards in this game means a huge variety and replayability. It's a Z-man Game so you know the components are excellent. Buy the game that got the boardgame world buzzing, and continues to be a favorite of gamers worldwide. |
Stephen B
There is so much to do in this game that it is hard to explain. You take turn selecting actions as you try to run you farm. In doing so you must make decisions to undertake certain jobs in order get the most victory points. In many play throughs we still have not used more than the first deck of card this game has amazing value. |
Stephen B
There is so much to do in this game that it is hard to explain. You take turn selecting actions as you try to run you farm. In doing so you must make decisions to undertake certain jobs in order get the most victory points. In many play throughs we still have not used more than the first deck of card this game has amazing value. |
Curt Carpenter
Well, it's rated #1 (or #2, depending on what day you look) on for a reason. It ushered in a new era of boardgame design around "worker placement". On your turn, take one of your workers and choose where he goes to do something. Since many players will likely want the same things, the order you assign your workers is the key. There were other worker placement games before this (notably Caylus), but this seemed to significantly advance the genre. The huge number of cards give near infinite replayability. The balance of cards is somewhat under debate. Using a drafting system once familiar with the cards is preferred by some players over random distribution. |
My wife and I have played Agricola almost 40 times since we opened it in January. We enjoy worker placement games like Caylus but this took our two-player enjoyment to a new level. The cards add a nice variableness to each game. Though it appears at first glance that you are building the same farm each game, there are actually a multitude of strategies to explore. We look forward to trying it with more players as well. |
This is one of the best board games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It's extensively tested and balanced out with a number of strategies to winning. In the end, it comes down to finely tuned timing each turn of the game, and were it not for the interactions in turn selections would make a solid multiplayer solitaire. Those interactions, though, bring the difficulty of the game way up and create a high tactical element to turn choices. Then you have the variable card decks, and... there's a lot to this game. As an aside, it's easy to see where the money went into this game: excellent construction! |
Amy Leskowski
Agricola is a fantastic game for someone used to the complexity of strategy games. I love the 1 player feature where you can play a series of solo games against yourself. There is mostly strategy with a little bit of luck involved. This is fun solo, 2 player and 3+ player. It's addicting! |
Lorena Holmstead
Our family really enjoys playing this game. There are a lot of different strategies for winning, and the Occupation and Improvement cards add a ton of variety to the game. In other words, you rarely play the same game twice, because the cards you get dictate your strategy.
The games it most reminds us of is Settlers of Catan and Puerto Rico.
The game is basically taken from life a hundred years ago, when farming was the norm, and increasing your family was important.
This game is extremely true-to-life! We like our children to play it to remind them how important it is to get the right advantages at the beginning of your "life". In the game, as in life, if you don't get the right advantages at the beginning, you wind up spending all your time trying to feed your family, instead of making improvements and progressing. Sound familiar?
This game has an intense learning curve, but even our eight and ten year old children play it. We've really enjoyed it! |
Kambria McLean
Agricola is a great variable game well-suited for intermediate gamers. Our 12-year old daughter who is not into heavy games likes it as well, and a 10-point handicap allows her to be competitive. Plays very well 1-4 players. |
Jon T
Beginning gamers may be overwhelmed by Agricola, but just one game will leave players hooked to play again- eager to do better next time. There is something satisfying about watching your game board fill up with rooms, animals, and fields, and you always end the game wondering how you could have planned more carefully to maximize your score. |
This is probably one of the most famous newer games, and there is a lot of good things to say about it. What I find particularly endearing, is the theme. Running a farm and making small but ultimately very important decisions about this feels very constructive and "real" - and the mechanics of the game mesh perfectly with this theme. |
Ken B.
If you're looking for a truly thematic Euro, look no further...Agricola is to Euros what Twilight Imperium is to plastic-filled thematic games.
Essentially like Harvest Moon (if you remember that one), you raise your family, grow your farm, and in the end try to outdo your rivals. The box is heavy and loaded with bits, so it's definitely worth the money. |
Daniel Cepeda
This is an excellent game! Don't let the theme fool you, this is much more than "just a farming game." |
It's lot of fun to play and you want to play it more and more because all the different things you want to try out. I also like that you are only running your small farm and not a whole country or city. |
Christopher Akers
Agricola is an excelently designed Euro game with a focus on worker placement. The game puts you in the role of a husband and wife who are starting a farm. Your goal is to have the best farm at the end of the game. It is a well designed game that can be played in an hour or two depending on the number of people playing and their level of experience with the game. It is one of the few games that has not left me feeling let down at the end of a gaming session. While many of the games I play with various gaming groups end up getting modified and "club ruled" to overcome a shortcoming this is a game that is near perfect in it's execution. The only thing lacking is that the components are simply colored cubes and discs with no artwork on them. To solve this problem (and add a lot of enjoyment) I strongly reccomend buying some packs of Animeeples. The extra $50 will be worth it during the game. |
There is a reason this game is constantly in the top 5 of Boardgamegeek.
It is VERY FUN. It's hard to explain this game and why it's's just a farming game, where everyone tries to have the best farm. But because of all the strategy, the HUNDREDS of cards (making everygame very different) and the game's intricate mechanics it boils down to being one of the greatest games i have ever played. If you are a hardcore gamer you'll love it...if you aren' will learn to love it. BUY IT! |
Still my favorite game of all time, though my wife struggles with the mid-game where you get the "need to do everything" syndrome. I really enjoy the seach for a more efficient plan to accomplish things. |
This game is a really great worker placement game. I highly recommend if you like Puerto Rico or other such games. It has a lot more strategic depth to it than most worker placement games I have played. |
It's been said again and again, but this is one of the best games for anyone who likes euro games. Deep, while remaining accessible. The next Catan for the masses. |
Bought this about a year ago.I played it hundreds of time with my friends is seem to never get old. Always a game i pick to take with me to a friends house |
A great family game! A little strategic for the younger players, but nevertheless fun for them all the same. Great game to own! |
A.J. Sansom
It's hard to come up with anything to say about Agricola that hasn't already been said. For me, the beauty of this game is that even though you are playing "against" the other people at the table, this game in particular has the feeling that, each time you play, you are trying to out-do yourself and your previous scores.
To promote that feel, we keep our scores and track how much improvement we make each time we play. Because of the focus of beating yourself, it becomes much less of a cut-throat, blocking experience and becomes a situation where everyone is working to do what benefits them the most.
There's just so much going on in the game that you should never get bored with it! |